Indian Pudding (no eggs)

My mother used to make Indian Pudding every now and then, especially when there was extra milk around the house. When I was a kid in Flushing, NY in the '40s and early '50s, and in Lexington MA in the late '50s, we had milk delivered by the milkman, and maybe sometimes it was as easy to make Indian Pudding as to leave a note asking for less milk today. Plus, of course, you had the indian pudding. I used to like to make it when there was snowstorm and I had burnt a lot of calories shoveling snow.

Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.

Heat 3 C milk in top of a double boiler. Add remaining ingredients except last C milk. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens (may take about 20 minutes.) Stir occasionally.

Pour into a buttered 6- or 8-cup casserole or loaf pan.

Add last cup of milk without stirring.

Bake for 2 1/2 hours.
