Bread and Butter Pickles

There are lots of recipes on the internet; this just saves googling and scrolling past ads, stories, and cuteness.

Mix cucumbers and onion with salt in a large bowl. Chill them for an hour and a half or more. The salt draws water out of the vegetables.

Rinse well in a colander and allow to drain. Getting the salt off the vegetables will let the higher salt concentration inside them draw water and vinegar in so the pickles end up crunchy if you make them as refrigerator pickles.

Combine vinegars, sugars, and spice in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring until sugar dissolves, and simmer for 5 minutes.

Put vegetables in canning jars, add hot brine, and cover.

Either process the pickles now for 10 minutes in boiling water bath or allow to cool, then refrigerate. If they're not processed, keep under refrigeration.

Allow them to pickle for at least 24 hours before eating.
