We drove in to Boston (really, Southie) to the Fort Point Open Studios with Carolyn, Bill, and their across-the-street neighbor Mikki. Leslie, who had worked with Carolyn and Arlene on the national art teachers conference hospitality table last spring and had given Carolyn, Arlene, and me a private paste paper workshop later in the spring, unless it was early summer, is in that studio complex now and Carolyn and Arlene wanted to go see her. We bought a few packages of notecards from her, and I found a little glass jar — the picture is almost life size:
— from someone on the floor below, Brett Raab Kroos.
I have no idea what, if anything, I’ll ever put in that jar. But that’s the trouble with taking me to a crafts sale or open studios, I might like something.
Leslie had soup, wine, and cheese for us and a half-dozen other studio denizens after the open studio hours were over. It was a most congenial group, with a couple of painters, a couple of lawyers, and a cellist with a broken arm. Not that the broken arm made her congenial, but for someone who can’t do her normal work she was pretty cheerful.