Movie review shorts

On July 3 we went to a double feature at the Bridgton Drive-In,Toy Story 3 and Grownups.

The Bridgton Drive-in is sort of an outdoor event. People bring lawn chairs and watch from next to their car, or put blankets on the roof of the car and have kids sit up there. Or of course you can watch from inside the car. The audio is on an FM channel, so if you remember the frequency you can listen to the movie as you drive past if you’re not driving in.

I watch so few movies that my critical faculties relative to movies are underdeveloped. In other words, you shouldn’t pay much attention to my reviews. But I do have a few comments:

Best line in Toy Story 3: Barbie’s speech on political philosophy.

Grownups: Not really as dopey as the reviews made it sound. Mostly a waste of talent, except that Rob Schneider got his talent used more than it deserved. It did have some good if trite things to say about the redemptive power of a few days in the New England woods, and I liked Sandler’s character’s ability to lose the game at the end. Funniest scene: Chris Rock’s character speaking Chinese to the au pair. Best scene: when paper cup telephones replace cell phones.

A friend at work surprised me when she said, “Oh! I want to see Grownups!” It’s because the funeral scene was filmed in Southborough MA, the next town from where she lives (also where David and Rachel live; they had a lot to say about the filming, too), and a friend of hers was an extra in it.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible