May 25 ’10

I didn’t want to be hung up over choosing a title.

I bicycled to work today, for the first time in several weeks and maybe only the second time this year. I stayed in very low gears on all the uphill parts, but didn’t feel particularly tired out by the time I got there or got home.

We had a substitute in yoga class at work today, a young woman (who else would be a yoga instructor?) named Linda who had apparently taught the class there a couple of years ago but whom I hadn’t seen before. She started out the class with some Tai Chi moves (none of which we do in our Tai Chi class there, but which definitely had a Tai Chi feel to them. To me, anyway. I don’t know what the Chinese woman in the class thought of them. Later in the class the instructor mixed in some Pilates moves. I don’t think a yoga purist would have been pleased. It was a less strenuous workout than we usually have, punctuated by the instructor saying something like “phew!” at the end of difficult poses — which gave the impression that it was fine if you had found the poses difficult, too!

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible