Second Seder 2010

We had seventeen people for the second seder, at various times; not seventeen at once, because Patsy had to leave early to get to work, and David had bad traffic coming from Boston and didn’t get here until we were well under way, and Anne had to work late so she and Matt got here after the soup course. We set up in the living room:

Gena and Rachael and all the kids were there the whole time.

Mason and Jared (2nd and 3rd from the left) are reading a mile a minute. I took down my shofar and played one note on it and was soundly criticized by Jacob (in the blue stripes, on his mom’s lap), who knew it was the wrong time of year for that sort of thing. I had no idea where I was going to put the afikomen, and ended up putting it in the middle of the pile of hagaddahs. I didn’t expect it to last a minute before being found, but it kept the boys busy almost until time for dessert — about perfect. Arlene had bought a batch of hot wheels cars with state themes, including a beach buggy for Hawaii and a woody station wagon for California, for afikomen presents. They went over well! Here are Mason and Baylor about ready to go home (or at least to David & Rachael’s to sleep), clutching their cars.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible