New Corporate Identity

It took me a minute to catch on, but the company I work for changed its name this morning. There were big signs up as you entered the building saying “Welcome to {nobody puts their employer name on their blog}”, with a new green {company} logo. So that’s what the big all-employee meeting this afternoon is about! There’s a semiannual sales conference starting today, and the name change is timed to coincide with it. The foyer was decorated with bunches of green, white, and black balloons. On my (and everyone else’s) desk was a paper bag decorated with two colors of green tissue paper, containing a pencil cup, pen, classy polycarbonate water bottle, and temporary tattoos with the new logo. Pretty funny.

We’ve known this was going to happen, because the company I work for recently bought another one and liked the name of the other better; but it was a bit splashier than I had expected.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible