Javascript Benchmarks — what?

I installed a beta version of the Google Chrome browser for Mac the other day. I forget just where I found it, but it was probably linked from something linked from MacHeist which Charley mentioned on his blog. At any rate, while looking through the Help page I ran across a page of Javascript benchmarks.

When I looked at that page in Chrome, I got something like

Score: 3696

Richards: 3663

Delta Blue: 3875

Crypto: 3224

RayTrace: 5585

EarleyBoyer: 6534

RegExp: 1026

Splay: 5499

The latest Safari, which I just downloaded from Apple Software Update, 4.0.4 (5531.21.10) has

Score: 2068

Richards: 2530

DeltaBlue: 2154

Crypto: 2154

RayTrace: 3844

EarleyBoyer: 3085

RegExp: 1024

Splay: 1134

Firefox 3.5.5 shows

Score: 318

Richards: 1270

DeltaBlue: 83.4

Crypto: 784

RayTrace: 189

EarleyBoyer: 298

RegExp: 178

Splay: 400

Does that mean that Chrome is about half again as fast at processing Javascript as Safari, and ten times as fast as Firefox??

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible