Fort Point Open Studios

We drove in to Boston (really, Southie) to the Fort Point Open Studios with Carolyn, Bill, and their across-the-street neighbor Mikki. Leslie, who had worked with Carolyn and Arlene on the national art teachers conference hospitality table last spring and had given Carolyn, Arlene, and me a private paste paper workshop later in the spring, unless it was early summer, is in that studio complex now and Carolyn and Arlene wanted to go see her. We bought a few packages of notecards from her, and I found a little glass jar — the picture is almost life size:

— from someone on the floor below, Brett Raab Kroos.

I have no idea what, if anything, I’ll ever put in that jar. But that’s the trouble with taking me to a crafts sale or open studios, I might like something.

Leslie had soup, wine, and cheese for us and a half-dozen other studio denizens after the open studio hours were over. It was a most congenial group, with a couple of painters, a couple of lawyers, and a cellist with a broken arm. Not that the broken arm made her congenial, but for someone who can’t do her normal work she was pretty cheerful.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible