Barry By Ear

We have several new songs to learn in klezmer band this session. For one of them, a waltz called “Mazel”, (means ‘luck’, music by Abraham Ellstein, lyrics by Molly Picon, that go something like “Luck shines once on everyone, everyone but not me…”) we only have 2/3 of the music written out. Barry, our director, wants us to learn the last part by ear. That works pretty well for me, but some members of the band are very resistant. Our new pianist Joyce, in particular, wants written-out music.

I recorded what Barry played on my iPhone, read it into the computer, trimmed the recording down to just the part we need to learn with a program called Audacity (there was talking, some me, some not me, and other extraneous sound before and after the music to learn), turned it into an mp3, and emailed it back out around the band.

Here you go: Mazel third strain

The iPhone recorder app lets me put a picture with the recording, so I took a picture of Barry playing it:

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible