And, catch up from this weekend

Besides going to the movies Saturday night (and going shopping in Bridgton in the late afternoon) we mostly just hung out at our place watching the birds come and go. There were lots of redpolls, still a couple of pine siskins, and excellent views of the red-bellied woodpeckers.

Redpoll and chickadee at the same feeder:

Redpoll in an apple tree:

Pine siskin. Look at that patch of yellow in the wing!

Red-bellied woodpecker and blue jay:

I turned the lower of these two lace bobbins last weekend, from a fresh-cut piece of striped maple. The wet wood turned very easily, but was fibrous and left a fuzzy surface. The upper one is new today, from a piece of seasoned birch (I think it was birch). It came out with a nice hard smooth surface. Now will I do 23 more like it to have a useful set of bobbins? It would be good practice to make a bunch of similar pieces.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible