Halloween recap

After yesterday’s historic events it seems silly to go back to Halloween. Even though it was just last Friday it seems like a long time ago. If I don’t, though, I’ll miss a good chance to get in an easy post which would help me meet a goal of 30 posts in November. Even though I haven’t posted every day in the month, if I can get up a number that works out to one post per day on the average, I’ll consider that I paid attention to NaBloPoMo.

So, last Friday I put on a pair of khaki pants and noticed my paisley western shirt in the drawer. Oops, I thought, if I wear that and blue jeans I’ll be halfway to a cowboy costume. So I changed my pants, added a leather vest and a bandanna and the leather hat I got from the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen years ago, and became Hopalong Dean for the day.

We had bought a good big pumpkin, which became a jack-o-lantern after my usual style:

We stayed home Halloween evening and had more kids coming by than we remember in several years.

Here’s Arlene with the pumpkin, in Casco the next day. It was so big that when I cut it up to cook half of it filled up our large pot. One pumpkin pie barely made a dent in the bowlful of pumpkin puree.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible

2 replies on “Halloween recap”

  1. National Blog Posting Month.

    November is NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, which a lot of bloggers seem to participate in. The idea is, you always wanted to write a novel, well, write one this month. Even if it’s terrible, just write some specified number of words that are more or less coherent within a one month deadline, and you’ll at the very least have an idea of what’s involved in writing a novel. If you want to revise it later and end up with something decent, so much the better, but the idea is just to do it and to develop the discipline needed. There are lots of online resources for it. Some high-school and college English teachers have their classes do it.

    Well, I’ve never been willing to commit to doing that, but someone else came up with National Blog Posting Month — at least commit to writing a blog post every day for the month, and see if you can get in the habit. That seems reasonable to me.

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