Lost shoes

Last weekend Arlene said she wished she had a picture of my face when I reported back to the group on at one of two points — we’re not sure just which.

Millie and Joel and their toddler grandson Jacob were with us in Casco. We were coming home from the Art in the Park art and crafts sale in Bridgton, and had pulled into the Bridgton Hannaford’s parking lot to get enough food for the rest of the weekend. We pulled up next to one of those kid shopping carts that has a big plastic truck in front that two kids can sit in, with steering wheels for each. I hopped out of the car looked in the truck, and turned around and told our party, “That Cinderella, she’s left her shoes behind again.”

Maybe that was the moment. Maybe it was when I caught up with them as they were shopping, after I had brought the pair of little girl’s sneakers with Disney character pictures up to the customer service counter. I reported that I had said, “Hi, someone left these in one of the kiddie carts.” The young woman behind the counter said, “… and they don’t fit you.”

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible