Tree hugger, moi? Kinda.

In response to many people who have written to ask, “Considering all that Dean writes about nature, would you call him a tree hugger?” we present the following evidence:

(Actually, nobody has written to ask any such thing. It’s a little like Tim Sample at the concert we went to on Saturday asking, “How many of you once had a ’58 Hudson Hornet?” When he got a very subdued response, he said, “Come on, people! When I ask something like that, I’m not looking for the truth. I’m not going to check up on you. I want a little enthusiasm. You can pretend you had one. Let’s try again.” This time he got an enthusiastic response. He said, “Now, isn’t that more fun?”)

Not only one tree at a time. Here he is, hugging nine trees at once:

Yup, my order from Miller Nurseries had arrived just as the UPS tracking site said. There are supposed to be nine trees in the bag. This looks about like the package I got last year, so I had a better idea of what to expect than a year ago.

Came the dawn, I took them out of the bag so you can get a better idea of the contents. You probably can’t count all nine in the picture. In fact, don’t even try. Some of them are only two feet long, and some of the branches towards the top are all from one tree.

This was just possibly more trees than I wanted to plant in one day, but this was the only weekend I had to do it, so there it was.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible