Nahanton Park birds

Yesterday (Tuesday May 6) I was seeing lots of orioles around Cutler Park. It wasn’t a case of “everything that moves is an oriole” the way I remember it once several years ago, but there were plenty. I saw one Savannah sparrow with exceptionally bright yellow stripes on the head, quite close.

Today (Weds May 7) Arlene and I went out to Nahanton Park on my way to work. I bicycled. She gave me a few minutes head start and drove. She got there just as I was getting off the bicycle and locking it to the big signpost. The timing couldn’t have been better.

What we saw:

– three male yellow warblers chasing each other

– a yellow-rumped warbler in beautiful plumage

– female and male rose-breasted grosbeaks. I saw the female first and recognized it, then looked for the male.
– savannah sparrows

– field sparrow

– catbirds

Thursday (May 8) at Cutler Pond, co-worker Mimmi and I saw a yellow warbler, a yellowthroat, an extraordinarily cooperative black-and-white warbler (it just went about its foraging on a tree trunk not more than ten feet from us), and a swamp sparrow.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible