Up on the roof

OK, so I’ll show you what I was doing last weekend. Shoveling snow off the roof in Casco, because the snow was deep enough that we were (or at least I was) worried about the roof collapsing. It’s just the roof over the addition to the house, one story high, that’s a gentle enough slope to worry a lot about snow sticking to it. And of course there’s snow on the ground, too, so there’s less distance to fall — but there was enough snow on the roof to form a parapet anyway, and I worked from the middle out towards the edge and got totally worn out before I got within three feet of the edge in any direction. There’s a window from the loft out over the roof. I climbed out, so there was no ladder in the picture. I actually quite enjoyed being up there, looking out over the snow-covered side yard and raspberry patch.

You can see the whole history of the winter in the layers of crust there. It’s tough to get a snow shovel through all the crusts. I brought up the ice chopper — it’s sort of like a hoe but with the blade in line with the handle instead of at right angles to it — and cut out a six-inch square at a time.

The best thing about clearing snow off a roof is that you don’t have to lift the shovel up a whole lot, just fling the snow sideways and listen to it thump on the ground a lot later. The bad thing is that the path that I shoveled for the oil delivery driver to get to the oil filler pipe is below that part of the house, so I had to shovel some of the roof snow twice.

Yes, the snow is deep. The clothesline, a little overhead in the summer, is now only waist high when you’re standing on top of the snow next to it.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible