FO – socks

It can be kind of quiet at my mom’s house. I had brought a knitting project for the airplane and a long circular needle and the Fiber Trends “Magic Loop” booklet, intending to start socks. On Tuesday (Monday being Veteran’s Day) Arlene and I went out to Florence’s Attic, a LYS out in Chubbuck (that’s adjacent to Pocatello, to the north, the big direction the city is growing), to get yarn for that project. The booklet called for 320 yards of worsted weight yarn for a pair of winter socks. I got two 165 yard hanks of Andes yarn, cast on, and knit what seemed to me to be a lot. I had one sock done and a second almost down to the heel flap by the time we came home. I finished the second over Thanksgiving weekend. Here’s the whole story:

Hmph, the colors look a little wimpy on my screen. They’re brighter than that, though not to the point of garish, in reality. The Fiber Trends pattern knit up quickly at 48 stitches to the round and about eight rounds to an inch.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible