July 21 weekend

On July 21 we went to the “Art in the Park” art and crafts sale in Bridgton. Aside from a T-shirt (the one from that event last year, not exciting but a good light-colored T-shirt (light-colored makes it easy to find ticks on it, so it’s good for out in the woods) we got, well, sort of a piece of sculpture. On the way to Bridgton there’s a sign for Iron Man, a guy who does welding and some iron sculpture, mostly welding together scrap iron pieces. We’ve passed his sign a zillion times but weren’t really sure what his stuff was like. Well, he had brought (among other things) a whole slew of faces, sort of jack-o-lantern faces cut into old shovels. We came home with one and installed it in the garden.

I did a little more on my sweater, just to keep it in the WIP rather than UFO category.

On the drive up we had heard lots of talk about the impending release of the last Harry Potter book. We didn’t go to any midnight event, but we did at least stop in the Bridgton bookstore and got one of their last 14 copies. Here it is on Sunday, along with the jigsaw puzzle we did the previous evening and that morning.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible