Lathe work

I didn’t do any spinning last weekend, but there was lots of rotational energy going on. I finally have my lathe set up with a grinder for sharpening tools next to it.

A lathe, for those who have never seen one in use, is a device for turning firewood into sawdust. Most woodworking involves removing some wood from the workpiece to make joints, smooth surfaces, and make things the right size. Woodturning really requires you to remove a big fraction of the material you started with. Anyway, here’s what it looked like at some point last weekend:

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible

2 replies on “Lathe work”

  1. Glad to hear the lathe is getting used. You seem to be into things that turn. Is there something philosophical about this?

  2. Dunno – only philosophy I can think of about that is “what goes around comes around.”

    “the lathe” is getting used because I just got it a few weeks ago off Craig’s List. Dad’s old lathe which I imagine he sold to the dealer who got the dining room table, etc., because I left it thinking Jason would get it, was a full-sized Craftsman model, tan, mounted on a bench he had built for it, with the motor underneath. This is a mini-lathe with very limited capacity and capability (no way to mount a faceplate or chuck for making bowls, for instance). But I should be able to learn on this one and get a better one if I like woodturning enough.

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