Wrapup Feb 24 weekend

Well, there’s a little more from the weekend of Feb. 24.

First, there are the pileated woodpeckers. We saw one in our woods one of the first weekends we owned the place, right about New Years day 2006, but we hadn’t seen one in Maine since. On our way to the ice festival on Saturday we saw one fly across the road (Leach Hill Road, on the way to the dump actually) just in front of the car. I saw the big black-and-white bird, maybe I noticed the red crest and maybe not, and shouted “pileated!” Arlene wasn’t driving and confirmed the call. Then when we got back to the house after walking around the block (all 3 miles of it) on Sunday we saw two more in our woods, off to the north side of the house.

Second, a reason I was ready to buy more roving at the Ice Mall was that I made so much progress spinning up the roving I bought from Mind’s Eye when I had my spinning lesson. In fact, by the end of the weekend that roving was all spun up and my bobbin was brimfull.

Third, there was lots of snow in the woods, and even on our deck. You can never tell just by looking how deep snow is, but when you shovel it down to the ground you realize. There was about 16 inches out there. Here’s what our deck looked like when I shoveled a path for egress:

.. or this ..

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible