Just for fun

Two weekends ago, up in Maine, Charley made some chowder for supper. He requested that I make some bread to go with it. We found a recipe for gluten-free cornbread (from the Land-O-Lakes website. With sour cream) for Nicole. Arlene asked, “Do you have the right thing to bake it in? Do you just use a square baking pan?”

I said, “You can use a square baking pan, or muffin tins, or even a mini-bundt cake pan.” We had bought one of the latter at deep discount from Marden’s shortly after we got the house, when I wasn’t sure I had muffin tins at all, but hadn’t used it.

So here’s a picture of the fanciest cornbread I’ve ever made:

If you track down that recipe, I recommend it highly, even with oil instead of butter, and off-brand sour cream.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible