Snowy woods

We went walking around our trails both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday we put on snowshoes and did a short jaunt. We have one set of old snowshoes that have real babiche (rawhide) webbing that we never use, and two sets of 1970 vintage snowshoes with wood frames, neoprene webbing, and heavy leather bindings. There’s also a brand-new pair of aluminum snowshoes that Anne just got.

I generally prefer to wear snowshoes rather than not if there’s about six inches or more of snow. You really don’t sink down as far in the snow as your boots would and I find it easier going at that point. If there’s more than a foot of snow snowshoes make a big difference. Anyway, the snowshoes resting by the front door looked kind of picturesque (or maybe just pretentious):

Here’s Arlene the next day, when we did the whole border of the property (not a big walk, not as much as half a mile, but it does take lots longer in snow than on dry trail)

I remembered to take a picture of the biggest rock in the place (as far as we’ve found, anyway). That’s a separate boulder on top, by itself much to heavy to move. I think it’s that boulder on top that made me think of a rhino. So this is what we call Sleeping Rhino.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible