I went to the dentist to get my new crown put it on Tuesday morning, and to the periodontist’s office for a cleaning on Wednesday. I told the hygienist that something was bothering me on my left side, and not to be surprised if I was uncomfortable when she was working around there. Sure enough, when she was poking around the upper left I yelled. That was the spot I thought was there! When the periodontist came in at the end of the appointment and looked at it and looked at her notes on it he said, “You were very generous in saying ‘possible decay’ there. That’s certainly decay!” So I called my regular dentist as soon as I got back to work, and he knows where to look and that there’s something there (that he probably should have spotted when I had my last cleaning in his office.)
Published by deanb
male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible View more posts
Hmm… I’d already would have been on the phone with my regular dentist to ask him WHY he did not notice that bad spot before!
Well, I consciously didn’t ask him to look at that side when I went there with a toothache back in November. The side of my mouth with the toothache had been bothering me more so I really wanted to get it fixed first, so I had at least ONE side to chew on. I hope this is a small cavity that can just be fixed with one filling when I go tomorrow. I don’t know enough about dentistry to know, but I bet there are legitimate reasons for not noticing — maybe so many fillings in a tooth that the x-rays don’t show what’s on the other side, or that the decay was below the gum line. As long as he can fix it.