Monday Charley, Nicole, and Emma were over at our house for latkes. The gluten-free sweet potato latkes didn’t hold together at all. The ones with flour in them tasted pretty good with sweet potato pie-inspired ginger and cinnamon in ’em.
On Tuesday the 19th our hanukiah looked like this —
That’s a modular hanukiah, nine separate parts that we put on a marble cheeseboard as a non-flammable base. Another hanukiah, in that ’60s or ’70s Israeli green enamelware, is behind it, unused tonight. If there are lots of people who want to light candles, we haul out more hanukiot. There are probably a couple of miniature ones that take birthday cake candles on that brass tray, too. Oh yes, I see a brass one, about as easy to see as the grouse in the crabapple tree.
We always light our candles from right to left, the way you read Hebrew. And how about that tablecloth!
We missed lighting candles Wedensday. I was working late and Arlene was out at Emma’s birthday party at Nicole’s parents’ house. I didn’t even think about it until this morning.