
I was saying, every so often during November, “The hunters must be bummed out that there’s no snow. They like an inch or so to see the deer tracks.”

Well, there was snow on Friday, and there were tracks in it on Sunday. We walked around our trail system (by now we’re beginning to think of it as that) and I wished I had brought my camera, so I got it and went back out.

These are the sharpest ones I photographed. Wish I knew what they are! I think they’re too big to be squirrel, but maybe that’s all.

These are tiny and cute. Some very small animal has been along here, dragging its tail in the snow. Maybe it’s some sort of shrew.

Here’s another shot of that same trail. That big bare spot is my boot print, to give you an idea how small the critter that made the trail is.

No bear, mountain lion, nor sasquatch tracks today. Just as well.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible