Covered Bridge

One of the alternate routes to Casco is to take exit 47 from the Maine Turnpike and go up River Road from Westbrook to Windham. We’ve seen a sign pointing to a covered bridge off that road, but before last Wednesday we either didn’t have time to explore it or daylight to make it worthwhile. We had both last week.

It turned out that the bridge is just half a mile off River Road. We pulled into a gravel turnout just past the bridge where a couple of pickups were already parked. A guy carrying a rifle with a scope, wearing an orange vest and cap, turned around to look at us. No cause for alarm, it’s deer season in Maine. We said, “Hi, we’ve never checked out the bridge before” and he smiled, waved, and went off into the woods.

The signs detract some from the bridge, but the river crossing is much nicer than we really expected.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible