Fryeburg Home Ec Exhibits

Besides animal exhibits, the Fryeburg Fair has opportunities to exhibit, well, for instance, vegetable gardening, canning and knitting. I’m not sure what other cooking competitions or exhibits there are, because I had to zoom through that building to keep up with my family.

We’ve seen TV reports about giant pumpkin contests at big fairs. I can’t remember ever having seen a 400+ -pound pumpkin in person before. The big pumpkins even had names! I didn’t take any pictures of them, though.

The vegetable competition requires maybe three of a kind per entry. I guess the idea is that anyone can be lucky and grow one beautiful carrot, but if you can grow three matched beautiful carrots you have some idea of what you’re doing.

I just stopped long enough to take a blurry picture of a canning display and to admire the blue-ribbon-winning socks and sweaters.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible