Sprint to finish

All the knitting is done on Charley’s sweater! I still have to bind off the neckband, fold it in half and sew it down, and weave in lots of loose ends. I grafted the underarm stitches at the start of tonight’s knitting, just so they wouldn’t be hanging around to do when everything else was done. Pictures at 11. Oh, it is 11. Pictures at 11 on Friday, probably, because I have Koleinu tomorrow night and probably won’t get to finish the sweater.

This one took 2 1/2 months. The previous two took three months each. Maybe I’m getting better at this, or maybe I’m just playing less computer solitaire.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible