Meet the Parents

…we being the parents, that is, those to be met.

We went to Charley’s yesterday evening to meet his girlfriend Nicole. We walked through Teele Square to Sabur for dinner. If you click on that link, and until they change the web site, you can see a picture of the table we were sitting at right there in the middle image of the three at the very top of the page, one of the round copper tables.

Nicole had been teaching Latin in middle school and high school the last couple of years. She doesn’t much like doing that, and is going to be in a graduate program at Tufts on running museums next year. She knows lots of languages besides Latin, several varieties of classic Greek, French, German, Spanish, Italian, some Hebrew and Yiddish, and can read the alphabets of Arabic, Armenian, Russian, and Sanskrit besides. And I’ve probably left out a few. So far we’re favorably impressed, and we don’t think we scared her off.

Oh, Sabur. We had been there once before and I didn’t remember it as being great. Maybe I wasn’t feeling well that time. Last night the food was wonderful. All four of us were very enthusiastic. However, the service was puzzlingly slow. I don’t just mean that the main dishes took a long time to appear, but that there was a long long time between getting the dessert menus and having the dessert order taken, finishing eating and getting the check, and getting the check and having someone take the credit card away to run. It was OK because the main point was to have a chance to talk and get acquainted, but if we had been going somewhere afterwards it would have been a problem.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible