We went out to Nahanton Park pretty late (around 11!) this morning. The bluebirds were nowhere to be seen, but we did hear and see a house wren, first of year, behind the lower garden plots.

In the brush just off the path along the soccer field there was a towhee, which should not be a rarity but is something I have only seen a couple of times in the last decade.

Even better were good looks at four palm warblers near the path along the Charles. We had seen one a week or ten days ago, but these were more cooperative. Also noteworthy, a ruby-crowned kinglet.
I was on the phone with our car salesman and the insurance company, trying to get the right fax number for the salesman to get the registration information for our new car to the insurance people. It’s unresolved at the moment.
I carved an eraser stamp of, you know the kind of image, a personification of “wind”, a cloud with a face, blowing a breeze. I’ll come back here and post the picture eventually but not until a postcard with it gets to the addressee. However, I can say that I’m pleased that I drew it entirely without looking at any similar image, and I like the way it came out.