Crooked House

Arlene noticed this house, on North Raymond Road, several trips ago. We can’t figure it out, really. There’s a much bigger house across the road from it. This looks more like a playhouse, but it’s pretty big for that, or a guest house. At first sight it looks as though it’s falling down, but the windows are square and plumb. I guess they just felt like building it this way.

It’s just a few hundred yards more to the corner where we saw all the maple sap buckets last weekend. There are signs up at Harvest Hill Farm, and ads in the paper, saying that March 26 is Maple Sugar Sunday (or Maple Syrup? either way.) in Maine this year. There are going to be pancake breakfasts at volunteer fire companies all over, and I don’t know what other festivities. Here’s a picture of those sugar maples in better light.

Published by deanb

male born 1944 mathematician by training, software engineer by profession; retired since Labor Day 2013 birder, cyclist, unicyclist, eraser carver, knitter when possible