For our big anniversary party next month, we’ve arranged to rent a pontoon boat for the day. When we spoke with the marina owner last week, we admitted that I’ve never had any experience with a boat that size — I mean, although I took the handle of the outboard motor on Sheepshead Bay off …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Trail’s Inn Pix
Ashton, Idaho, is sort of at the border between the agricultural plains and rolling hills of the Snake River Plain and the forested areas on the Montana line. There’s a main street with a couple of blocks of stores. Off the side streets you can see grain bins. The Trails Inn seems designed to appeal …
To Pocatello – June 08
To get to my mom’s house a few weeks ago, we got up ridiculously early, I mean I set the alarm for 4 AM. There is a nonstop flight from Boston to Salt Lake City, but another route with a layover in Phoenix was several hundred dollars less expensive (at least for two round trips) …
Eastern Idaho road trip summary
Sometimes when we visit my mom we like to take an overnight trip away from Pocatello. This time we went on a long day trip with her. We headed north on I-15 through Idaho Falls. There’s a highway rest stop along the way at a lava flow called Hell’s Half Acre. It’s a lot more …
Idaho report
We’ve been visiting my mom in Idaho for a few days. Charley was here last week. He took off for a drive around all the national parks in Utah and posted lots of gorgeous photos (I’d say many are of calendar or postcard or at least screen saver quality) on his blog, so check there …
Stop in Gardiner ME
On our way home from the FIber Frolic Arlene spotted a sign for a Reny’s store. We’ve been in the Reny’s in Bridgton many times, but never in any other of their stores, so she was curious to see another. We turned left, and there was downtown Gardiner, with a beautiful main street of brick …
Woodturning update
I’ve decided that I can call almost any small wood turning a weed pot, so long as I drill a hole down from the end I want to be the top. That means this one counts. It’s made from the piece of wood that’s standing up in the picture of the previous weed pot. This …
More fruit trees
… or shrubs. The mail order nursery I got my pear trees from had an end-of-season sale flyer. I was still willing to dig a few more holes after I put in the walnut trees. They were out of the dwarf cherry trees by the time I called, but I got two beach plum plants. …
Quote re crafts in general
I ran into a quote I liked on the Woodworker’s Journal eZine (that will take you to whatever issue is current when you click). Dave Schweitzer, the guy they were interviewing as woodworker profile of the month, had worked as a welder before he started doing woodturning. He said, “I had good hand/eye coordination and …
Yard sale east of Augusta
On the way to the Fiber Frolic we stopped at a yard sale at a VFW or American Legion hall. I got a couple of actually useful tools and a box of old cut nails, the kind with square shanks, but rounded heads, too bad. I was blown away by the abundance of used saws …