Red House

One disturbingly warm day in January (I mean, in northern New England you can get a January thaw, but when it lasts as long as that one did, and is as warm as that one was, you start looking over your shoulder because you suspect that the weather has something really nasty up its sleeve) …

Dry Sink

I can’t find any mention of this cute piece of furniture in posts where it belongs. Arlene found it for sale on Craig’s List and was immediately enthusiastic about it. I somehow imagined it as being much bigger and clunkier than it turned out, and slightly grudgingly agreed to go look at it. A young …

SNL quote

“Nothing pulls me out of a funk quicker than Jazz Times Ten going klezmer” — Rachael Dratch’s character, in a bar mitzvah sketch. The SNL band went into Odessa Bulgarish after that for a few seconds before the commercial and right after the return from it.

Oatmeal Bread Checks Out

OK readers, the bread checks out! I approve of the recipe in my previous post, and I’m glad to have it online where maybe I’ll be able to find it again. That was a good supper with Charley’s chowder (apparently Jasper White’s recipe), that bread, and a little salad.